Handelskammer Hamburg, 12.-17.4.2022

The event will take place in the Handelskammer Hamburg, Adolphsplatz 1, Hamburg. 

Detailed schedules will be available at gore-event.github.io

 Set-up for teams, no spectators
15-18 UhrCompetitions, spectators allowed
9-18 Uhr

Competitions, spectators allowed

RoboCup Junior Workshop

9-18 Uhr

Competitions, spectators allowed

RoboCup Junior Workshop


9-14 UhrFinals, spectators allowed


The following leagues will be offered at the event:

Standard Platform League

Humanoid League

In addition, a RoboCup Junior Workshop on Rescue Line will be offered for high school students.

Standard Platform League
Arne Moos, NAO Devils Dortmund
Patrick Göttsch, HULKs Hamburg

Humanoid League
Jörn Griepenburg, Bit-Bots Hamburg
Sebastian Stelter, Bit-Bots Hamburg

RoboCup Junior Workshop
Tobias Renk, TU Hamburg-Harburg

Sponsors and supporters